Help us to Harvest Good at the PAL

Your support at or after the PAL Fest will make a big impact!

Help us to Harvest Good at the PAL image

Your gift will support kids most in need.

This year, more than 1,200 kids in the Wyandotte County area will participate in totally free Police Athletic League programs in KCK. Our KCKPD police officers and trained mentors ensure the safety and mentor the skills development of kids ages 8-18 from our urban core.

Nowhere else in KCK can these kids learn directly from police officers, building relationships of trust and opening their worlds to new opportunities after high school. Ours is a safe and inspiring environment where kids are learning fitness, art, gardening, cooking, low-rider bike mechanics, boxing, gun safety, archery, wrestling and music. And hundreds of them each year will perform hours of community service in lieu of payment for Kansas certified Driver's Education, earning their KS permits and Driver's Licenses for free.

100% of your tax-deductible donation goes directly to support our youth programs at the Police Athletic League of KCK. All of our programs are free for the kids, so we rely entirely on your support. Thank you for your generosity!